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Meet Cameron Byrd

Founder & #1 Amazon Bestselling Author.

Cameron Byrd, a veteran and security management professional, is the driving force behind Apex Arnis. His journey from military service in Iraq to becoming a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author and martial arts enthusiast has shaped Apex Arnis into a thriving community.

Cameron’s martial arts journey began with Gosoku Ryu karate under Shihan Dai Gregory Emswiller. In 2021, he immersed himself in Modern Arnis under the guidance of Mike Mathews. His passion led him to explore Filipino Martial Arts extensively, seeking knowledge from the best minds in the field.

Beyond Martial Arts

Cameron’s commitment to understanding the human body has led him to graduate with honors from Cortiva Institute, specializing in Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, and Swedish Massage. He is a certified Structural Energetic Therapist, offering results-based therapy and specializing in challenging conditions and injuries.
Featured Author & Speaker
Cameron is a featured author in “The BEST Business Minds in Tampa Bay,” sharing his expertise in business management, marketing, and social media. He frequently speaks at massage and bodywork schools, contributing to the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education.
Master Your Weapon

Modern Arnis

The Founder of Arnis

Founded by Grandmaster Remy A. Presas, Modern Arnis uniquely intertwines weapons and empty-hand techniques. By mastering the weapon first, students gain a deeper understanding of movement principles. Cameron's dedication to injury-free training aligns with Remy Presas' vision for an effective self-defense system, preserving the essence of older Arnis systems.

Arnis International

Devoted to Grandmaster Remy A. Presas' ideals, Apex Arnis embraces the art of Modern Arnis and welcomes practitioners of all styles. As the Professor stated, "It is truly the art within your art, it is not mine, but yours."

The Art Within

Your Art

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Boxingdei Club

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Training hours
07:00 - 21:00
07:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 17:00
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